The Zimmerman telegram was a message sent by Germany to MEXICO to cripple a few of their states in 1917 during the first world war. The transmission never reached mexico however and was intercepted by British inelegance.
D.) a low infant mortality rate.
“You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all, shown to be a letter of Christ... written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God." (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) means:
The saints who are now transformed by the Spirit of God, the product and result of the gospel the apostles preached and have become dear and recommendable by the apostles are now the Bible(epistle) that people see and read.
This particular passage reveals:
1. The people that received transformation- the saints
2. The power behind their transformation - the Spirit of God
3. The preachers that brought the transformation - the apostles
4. The product (result) of their transformation - they became epistles read by all
The "Red Shirts" are mostly associated with the period that followed after the Reconstruction era of the United States of America. Although they were present from the year 1875 but they became most active after the Reconstruction era. So it can be said that during the late 19th century the "Red Shirts" were most active.
When voting for a president you need to think of what they do for your Country. As an example, will the President add good founding to your area, will the President make fair rights? You need to keep all those things in mind while voting.