Many farmers in less densely populated area, such as Amazonia, practice slash and burn agriculture, also known as shifting cultivation or swidden agriculture where an area is cleared and then burned for the vegetative remains to release nutrients back into the soil. Shifting cultivation is a system where a farmer uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Advantages of shifting cultivation includes; enhance control of pest and disease, inorganic matter addition which provide nutrient to crop, an effective way of weed control
all of the above
Epigenetic alterations are modifications of the genome transmitted during cell division, which do not involve changes in the DNA sequence, are hereditary and are capable of modifying gene expression. In addition, they are temporary modifications that allow DNA to be transcribed and have the ability to move histones to open or close a chromosomal region. There are three main mechanisms of epigenetic alterations: DNA methylation, histone modifications and genomic imprinting.
Answer: The correct method would be - to collect the gas in an inverted graduated cylinder. Explanation: Place the aquatic plant under the mouth of the graduated cylinder and gather the gas by the water displacement that is delivered by the cycle of photosynthesis. At that point measure, the volume of gas gathered at different times. An individual could consider the impact of temperature, the measure of light, and the accessibility of supplements as components that may influence the pace of gas creation.
Atoms sharing valance electrons
<span>more consumers than producers</span>