The option that fills the blank is:
- <u><em>El compositor</em></u>.
- <u><em>El compositor</em></u> <em>ganó un premio para la música de esta película.</em>
The translatiojn of the sentence is:
- <u>The composer</u> won an award for the music of this movie.
Although when we watch a movie regularly we only look at the actors and the scenes it reflects, the staging of a movie has many people who have helped make it a magnificent experience for those who see it, from <u>the director who verifies that the script is perform properly, the screenwriter who creates the librettos and dialogues of the actors, even the composer, who plays all the music that is developed</u>, either in action scenes or grammars, so <u>when that music created specifically for a movie wins a prize, it is the composer who wins it</u>.