The difference between subsistence and commercial agriculture is that commercial agriculture involves growing plants and crops and selling profit. It is a commercial farming. Also, subsistence is the farmers raising food to those in need for community.
The capital of Belize is Belmopan
If there is a good source of water and shelter.
4 times greater
As of February 1, 2018, India’s population is 1,347,892,034
while the US population is 325,813,752. By simple division (India’s population
divided by US population), India’s population is four times greater than the United
States. To be more accurate, India is 4.14 times greater than the US in
population; and it is expected to rise considering the difference in the growth
rate with the US having 0.7 annually and India at 1.2.
Answer: True
Explanation: There are some microorganism tend to spoil the food and produce the bad odor, spoilage etc in the food which may lead to disease like food borne disease.This disease leads to the serious health conditions or sometimes death.Example of such bacteria are-Serratia, Lactobacillus etc. These microbial organism infect the food and thus lead to food borne disease . So,the statement given is true.