Answer: Besides changing you topic why don't you explain why you would like to choose art or music. Are you experienced in it? Do you enjoy doing it? Why do you enjoy it? Asking question like these will let you think of good things to write in your research presentation. You could also research on some other people that have made it a successful career and how they started there career and relate to how you would like to start yours that way.
The restaurant's window was broken the chef got scared and ran out.When he ran out he forgot to close the fridge.The ants then saw the oppurtunity to get the delicious bacon and pancakes that spilled all over the floor because they were so hungry.The oven was still hot but the ants were determined to get the food.(Finish it how ever you want)
The answer is In the refrigerator because an adverb phrase describes how where why when and In the refrigerator is describing "where".
I think that it is definitely We. <span />
This statement is true.
When working out, you should always<em> rise and lower weights with slow and controlled motions.</em> It is to maximize the benefits of lifting and to prevent injury.
<em>As for the benefits:</em> Slow lifts can build muscles much faster than regular or fast ones. Rising or lowering the lifts in a slow motion forces the muscles to hold the weight longer. The particular muscle involved in the move stays activated longer. If one goes fast on lifting for example, momentum will do a lot of work which shortens the activity of the muscles. And the more a muscles works/is activated, the bigger it grows and the more it shows on the body. The goal is to fatigue the muscles before they fail. Muscle fatigue is a very good sign in building a muscle mass as the damaged muscles instigate greater growth. Finally, lifting/lowering slowly activates the skeletal muscles, they use a lot of energy and one burns more calories while using them.
Fewer accidents happen with slow lifting/lowering as one focuses on correct form and proper execution of each move; fast, uncontrolled moves can cause many injuries.