Message: Gerry bought a can of milk at the store.
Receiver: Shopkeeper.
Feedback (if any): Found the product is already expired and reported it to the storekeeper.
Elements of communication are the factors or aspects on which any information is passed on from one to another. This allows the successful 'transfer' of the information and completes the cycle of transmitting information whether it be from a source to a receiver.
In the given passage, the elements of communication are as follows-
Message: Gerry bought a can of milk at the store.
Receiver: Shopkeeper.
Feedback: Found the product is already expired and reported it to the storekeeper.
Descriptive research is a research methodology you can use to describe the characteristics of the variables that you are studying, such as events, organizations, individuals, etc. This type of research answers explicitly the “what” question instead of the “how,” “why,” and “when” questions. Through this type of research, you can obtain information about the current situation of a phenomenon but not the reason for its state.
Scraping your nails on the chalk board electrocutes your brain.
tbh im not sure if this is right and I'm sorry if it is wrong