The correct answer to this question is A. Expressed powers. These are mentioned in the Constitution, such as print money and declare war, at a national level, whereas inherent and implied power are those which come from the interpretation of the literacy of the Constitution, in other words, those which go beyond the expressed powers.
It indicates that they wanted to keep Mecca the way that it was, and they did not want Muhammad(s.a.a.w.) to bring up a new religion that would change their way of living.
In the United States and in many other countries, citizens have to register to vote "To <span>make sure people vote only once," since otherwise it would be very hard to track who has already voted. </span>
leq bruh 123
Snakes are beautiful, and they help control the growth of other organisms in their ecosystem. They are seen as a bad organism because of all the propaganda the press has made, when a snake bites someone, the press uses that to propagate the bad feeling for snakes. All those bites would be prevented if people were more careful, so it's not the snake fault.
Have a nice day! :)