The formal version of you in Spanish is a. usted. Tú is informal.
<span>él </span>means he.
Hoped I helped!
Luis Bunuel is often associated with the surrealist movement.
they are all correct except:
number 5 is miro (mirar = to watch)
number 4 on the first row is escuchaste (escuchar = to listen)
number 5's conjugation is third person she/he (usted, el, ella) being -o (with an accent mark)
number 4 (top)'s conjugation is you (tu) being -aste
you're welcome!!
Hi, there the answer
1. Es importante apoyar a los artistas indigenas y locales para que conserven la cultura de indigenas
2. Debemos fomentar las expresiones artisticas a fin de que talento artístico se promueva
3. Los artistas siempre deben expresarse a menos que ofendan una cultura
Hope this helps !!!