Each group valued Minnesota's natural resources such as land and rivers for a different purpose. The Dakota used natural resources as a source of livelihood.
European Americans, on the other hand, aimed to use Minnesota's natural resources as a way to establish properties on the fertile frontier.
Therefore, the Dakota Indian group had a deep connection to the land of Minnesota, using its resources to support its community through fishing and hunting.
European American settlers, on the other hand, were interested in transforming the land into a state with the implementation of trade and property to generate wealth.
The Dakota were then threatened and forced to cede their Minnesota lands by signing treaties in 1851.
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Minnesota provided a large number of units in the American Civil War proportionate to its small population of approximately 170,000 in 1861-1865, with some 26,717 state volunteers being recorded, although a number of those are individuals who reenlisted in other units.
The Treaty of Versailles helped pave the way for the Nazi party to gain control of Germany by creating resentment and anger among the German people. Many German people were very resentful of their government (the Weimar Government) for having signed the peace Treaty in June 1919, since the terms of the Treaty were indeed very harmful to Germany: it took territory from the country, it forced it to pay reparations, and (and this term really caused indignation about the Germans) it blamed it and her allies for having started the war.
Since the Weimar Government was not popular and the country was facing tremeduous economic and social problems, the Nazis were able to gain the support of the German people, and eventually had the control of Germany.
"Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people's communes. Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased."