The children sailed paper boats before dinner.
Mothers call the children inside when dinner is ready.
She fell while she was playing and injured her knee.
Prepositional phrases are composed at least of a preposition and an object.
The word 'when' used as a conjunction means 'at the time that', and is followed by a subordinate clause.
The word 'while' is used to connect two events occurring at the same time, and is followed by a subordinate clause.
that sucks :( here are some tips though!
Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. (from google) :)
The Frias tell her that she must leave with him after Romeo is dead.
The Frias tell Juliet that she must leave with him because he realized that the watchman is coming to the tomb yard but Juliet refuses to go with the Frias and kill herself first with the poison but it is not sufficient so she take Romeo;s dagger and stabs it in her heart and die upon Romeo's body. This all happen due to the immaturity of Romeo when someone tells him that Juliet died so he did not confirm the news and drunk the poison.
Answer : the answer is look into a book