African American soldiers who fought in the Plains Indian Wars.
It's the general framework agreement for peace in Bosnia. It ended conflict between Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia.
At first King reasons in the letter that he is not of the extremists, he is actually between two extremes in the black community of militant black nationalism and complacency with the status quo. His use of the word extremist adds to the critical tone of the text as he is speaking directly to the clergy who called him extremist and he criticizes all white moderates.
Martin Luther King is turning the tables with his use of the word extremist because it was a label the white moderates applied to him and his followers. First he shows in paragraph 27 that he is not the extremist, that the black Nationalists are the more extreme dissenters who do advocate violence and reject the white population. In the end King says that even Jesus Christ was an extremist and he was charged and punished for it with the extreme act of crucifixion. King says also evokes Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson as extreme in their ideas and says there is actually a need for “creative extremism” to progress towards civil rights and social justice.
Hitler and Mussolini were more similar than different. Here is a list of reasons why this is the case.
1) Both rose to power during a time of crisis/instability- Hitler rose through the political ranks after the Germany economy suffered terribly due to the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. Mussolini also rose to power at the same time, thanks to the instability of the Italian government.
2) Both eliminated other political parties- Mussolini and Hitler both got rid of their political opposition through force during their reigns.
3) Both censored the media- Controlling the media is one way in which both controlled their societies. By showing themselves in the best possible light, Hitler and Mussolini gained support from their citizens.
4) Both were totalitarian leaders- This meant that both men had complete control over their respective countries.
the 3 unalienable rights are life, library, and the pursuit of happiness