Answer: Change in lifestyle
The lifestyle of current day mom's is very different from what was obtainable in the past, therefore manufacturers need to adjust their products to suit the new lifestyle of current day mom's. Lifestyle here means the behavior, likes and dislikes of current day mom's.
- Behavioural Substitution
Martianse human resources department uses and deploy the concept of Behavioural Substitution.
To begin, Martianse goal, as a firm, is to motivate the employees to perform better. Hence, the human resources department has come up with measures to achieve that. It is thus believed that replacing the fixed incentive system hitherto known with the firm, should be replaced by a performance based system. By this, the firm believes its primary goal will be accelerated.
Behavioural Substitution is thus the concept that the human resources department has displayed in their analysis and engagement. For one, behavioural substitution is simply the procedures aimed at replacing and/or supplanting efforts and actions that does not lead to goal accomplishments. By general belief, the old style of reward system used by Martianse has been seen as one not leading to goal actualization. Hence, it is important to substitute this non productive reward system with one established to elicit more better and improved performance from the workforce.