Athena was the goddess in charge of defending them
No, it wouldn't necessarily be considered a war crime, especially because the US and Japan were both in turmoil with each other at the time.
In his 2008 article for the New York Times, James Gleick talks about "the gloom that has fallen over the book-publishing industry" to describe the the negative impact of digitalizing books in the book-publishing industry.
In this article he describes the already decline in paper-books sales due to the rise of digital platforms such as Kindle, epub, etc, and how the future of book-publishers looked grimer because of an agreement between authors, publishers and Google to allow the scanning and digitalizing of books to make them accesible in website and digital platforms.
This agreement would be dramatic for the sectors of the book-publishing industry dealing with marketing, archiving and distributing physical paper books.
Generally, white power structures responded to the Civil Rights Movement based on their geographic location. Thus, most southerners spoke out against this movement, while most northerners supported the cause. This situation was even transversal to the Democratic and Republican parties, since for example Lyndon Johnson, Democratic President who approved the Civil Rights Act in 1964, supported the movement while Orval Faubus, Governor of Arkansas for the same party, did not do so in absolute.
In general, the governors and mayors of the south of the country did everything possible to prevent the advancement and achievements of this movement, through imprisonment (such as in Birmingham, where Martin Luther King was imprisoned), police repression and various government restrictions.
In contrast, northern politicians and those in Washington generally had a more open and responsive stance, supporting the movement and believing in equal opportunities.
The correct answer is A. Radical Republicans.
The Fifteenth Amendment gave people of color the right to vote, so D is definitely incorrect. B is incorrect too because labor union organizers wanted all workers to have the same rights. C is incorrect because by passing this Amendment, it would mean better prospects for women too. This leaves us with A, given that these Republicans were the ones who owned slaves in the first place.