The weather has been nice but, it may snow again any day.
Paragraph 1
The setting is defined as the description of the time, place, or circumstance in which the event or action took place in the narrative. The first paragraph informs the readers that the characters are 'stuck on the couch' and unable to 'believe the storm' that has come in. They expected themselves to be surfing but this storm has marred their plan. Thus, paragraph 1 informs the readers about the circumstance and the time in which the action is being narrated.
Pretty much just the main idea
3. using the passive voice
Using a passive voice is the most effective practice while writing. This practice emphasis the action in the sentence and accepts the absence of agency / doer. These sentences make sense of anonymity. All of these make this practice most effective in the between the given options. Using negative words, excessive repetition of certain vowels or consonant sounds and the you-attitude are considered for the effective writing.
The group members felt alone and without direction.