Errors during Replication. DNA replication is a highly accurate process, but mistakes can occasionally occur as when a DNA polymerase inserts a wrong base. Uncorrected mistakes may sometimes lead to serious consequences, such as cancer. Mutations: In this interactive, you can “edit” a DNA strand and cause a mutation.
Microspheres were spherical bodies with metabolic abilities that could successfully sustain their existence. However they did not contain any genetic material. Which means that they could not replicate or pass off their parts to their successive generations.
But they had no way to evolve since they could not pass off any genetic material to their offspring's. This is why RNA came into existence. RNA enabled an Organism to store its genetic material into nucleic acids, that could be passed on to generations to come. This is also how they could evolve into more complex organisms.
Because predators and prey must learn (or adapt) new ways of survival. Deer over time have learned to be much more sensitive to the surrounding environment, therefore, a deer's predator must also adapt/evolve and learn how to beat the deer at it's own game and catch it for food. Animals must evolve/adapt to any given environment. If humans lived in Antarctica for thousands of years, we would eventually be able to withstand the cold due to evolution. People who live in the Himalayas today actually breath normally at such high altitudes whereas if someone who lives at sea level went to where the Himalayan people lived, the result could potentiality be fatal because the body has not adapted/evolved at that point to withstand minimal oxygen.
Bacitracin blocks the transport of nag and nam across the cytoplasmic membrane to the cell wall. Like other antimicrobials that block cell wall synthesis, this would result in weak cell walls and cell lysis. Antimicrobilas that act by inhibiting cell wall synthesis include beta-lactams, vancomycin and cycloserine and isoniazid and ethambutol among others. They prevent bacteria from increasing amount of peptidoglycan, they have no effect on existing peptodoglycan layer and therefore are effective only for growing cells.
A person who has allergies has a compromised immune system because the body’s immune system: OVEREACTS TO AN ANTIGEN