I say Israel - and I hope this is taken in an utterly nonpartisan way, which takes absolutely no position vis-a-vis the legitimacy of either conservatism or the Israeli state. I just think some core aspects of Israeli government and society are in line with mainstream US conservatism: a free-market liberal democracy of course, but with formal religious-ethnic affiliation, compulsory military service with training on firearms (and licensing to possess same) for all citizens, and a generally hawkish stance on questions of military and defense. They are also highly security-oriented, some would say in a much more effective way than the US government, and its security apparatus employs profiling techniques which almost undoubtedly have a racial component (<span>and </span><span>conservatives would no doubt want to insist that these two facts are directly related). I believe that taxation rates are roughly on par with that in the US, if not a bit less... though not nearly as low as Switzerland. </span>
So we would have evidence. We don't want to make people think we copied our answers or looked them up. We want to set a good example. We want to show what we know.
It was "humanism" that was a philosophy that was developed during the <span>Renaissance is associated with a shift in focus away from religious subjects toward more secular subjects. </span>
The Geocentric theory or model proposed that the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun rotated around it. Religion played a big role throughout history in trying to perpetuate this scientifically erroneous idea, which started appearing as a biblical perspective pointing towards specific passages in the holy book. A classic one would be Psalms 93:1, in which Earth is described as a static place "established, firm and secured". The church's support of geocentrism can be traced back to literal intepretations of the bible and a refusal to lose credibility and power as science proved them wrong.
Hope this helps!