Eastern Europeans began to repel against their governments.
First, the deportation and transportation of food. and second, The extinction of the population
"There are two factors which are simultaneously causing the diminution in the population of the Northern Caucasus now so clearly apparent. Firstly, the measures for the deportation and transplanting of masses of the population, carried out an [sic] a large scale since last autumn iii connection with the State grain collection, and the fight against “sabotage” by the kulaks, or “rich” peasants. Secondly, there is the extinction of the population through famine, now in full swing."
August 3, 1492
Columbus set sail from Spain in three ships: the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. On August 3, 1492, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus started his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
After surviving battle after fierce battle, Alexander the Great died in June 323 B.C. at age 32. Some historians say Alexander died of malaria or other natural causes; others believe he was poisoned. Either way, he never named a successor.:
was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky.