The state of California is bound by the USA constitution under the doctrine of federalism, which points out that the state's constitution is subservient to the federal laws. The state has no foreign powers to enter into any treaty with foreign powers,as that is a reserved power of the federal government. should there be a conflict between a state laws and the federal government,the latter's shall supersede,which implies that California can not make any laws to effect any such a desire. In addition, the California state is a member of the USA nation, whereby its residents shares common goals and culture with the rest of the populace.
The person who wrote the book the origin species is ::::Charles Darwin::::
This Is True Bc They Really Had No Where Else Or The Knowledge Too Journey Anywhere Else .
They wanted to find more natural resources, and they also wanted to seek out new markets for European goods.
Thomas More wrote the book Utopia about an ideal society where there were no rich or poor.