Hello brokenheart1! ( I love your username, it's so aesthetically pleasing. )
The kind of primary source document that I find most interesting to analyze are diaries, because I like to see someone's perspective on a subject or time period. It can be quite interesting and gives me a first hand look on a matter through someone else's eyes and opinions.
I hoped that helped, I always enjoy getting brainliest when possible!
From Allikat74 :)
Once when preparing for a Spanish test I used repetition to help me study. This technique was useful for me, because when I wrote out vocabulary words and continued to review them until the day of the test it helped me remember the words a lot easier.
Loyalty to nationality, not a monarchy.
U.S. Labor union did not allow Chinese immigrants to become members.
Labor unions in the United States are organizations that are formed by workers from various industries that are recognized under "<u>US labor law</u>". Labor union opposed immigrants because they thought that the American workers will be undermined.
In the 1850’s, Chinese immigrants established Chinatowns in cities mainly on the western coast of the United States as U.S. Labor union did not allow Chinese immigrants to become members. In 1882, American government passed “Chinese Exclusion Act” to stop Chinese immigrants from becoming American citizens.
The 26thDivision was at Seicheprey when the German
infantry attacked on the 20th of April. The Germans first fought off
the 102nd infantry stationed near Seicheprey before they moved
towards the village. The 26th division was backed up by the 82nd
Division on the 28th of June.