The incident that started the Sepoy Rebellion was related to a rumor about the the Army using animal fat (especially that of bigs) to grease the inside of bullet cartridges.
The radio adaptation's tone is more urgent than the novel's tone.
In the novel excerpt from H. G. Wells' <em>War of the Worlds</em>, the passage talks bout the arrival of the aliens as <em>"an ordinary falling star" </em>and the people hardly minding it's occurrence. Even though the narrator thinks <em>"hundreds must have seen it"</em>, it seemed to cause no panic among the people.
But the radio adaptation by Howard E. Koch of the same novel shows a news reporter interrupting a <em>"dance music"</em> to report about the <em>"explosions of incandescent gas, occurring at regular intervals on the planet Mars"</em>. This, along with the speech reporting voice will sound more dangerous than the mere narration in the novel version. <u>The tone in the radio adaptation presents a more urgent and serious tone while the novel's tone is more relaxed and even the people seem unfazed by it.</u>
Adam Smith
the physiocrats proclaimed laissez-faire in 18th-century france placing it at the very core of their economic principles and famous economists beginning with adam smith developed the idea
"At Midway, thanks mostly to code-breakers and excellent planning, US forces ambushed a Japanese attack/invasion force that featured the same four aircraft carriers that had launched the attack on Pearl Harbor six months earlier. In the end, Hiryu, Soryu, Akaki, and Kaga were all sunk, with the loss of thousands of Japanese seamen and, most importantly, the loss of hundreds of Japanese aircraft and pilots. On the American side, the USS Yorktown was sunk. Japan, a relatively small island nation with practically no domestic natural resources, was unable to recover from the losses at Midway. While the US was able to launch dozens of new aircraft carriers and support ships during the war years, Japanese ship production was unable to even maintain the 1941 navy."
you need to write about 2 important people and i dentify what they do and wrote