Someone will help you answer
Look at the root, the word isolation can be seen. What does isolation mean? To separate from everyone else. Which answer creates a separation from other countries? B by avoiding contact with other countries
A: Workers could move freely between nations
it is the right answer If you think its wrong don't write it
Was low level about 1.5 million people lived in it.
The 369th Infantry Regiment, "Harlem Hellfighters," were a unit made of African Americans (to be PC) and were well known for their ferociousness in battle. They fought in both WW1 and WW2, and they spent the most time in combat in WW1 than any other unit (remember, America joined the war in 1917!)
Their effect on the war effort couldn't be understated, that even the Germans acknowledged them, referring to them as "Höllenkämpfer" (German for Hell Fighters) and earned the nickname "Men of Bronze" by the French (Hommes de Bronze).