Qualified Supervision. No Small Committment! ...
Physical Fitness. Keep a Health History of Your Den, Pack or Troop! ...
Swimming Ability. Key to Personal Safety. ...
Personal Floatation Devices. Everyone Must Wear One! ...
Buddy System. Similar to Safe Swim Defense. ...
Skill Proficiency. Know Your Mode & Safety Procedures. ...
Planning. ...
Relative humidity
Relative humidity -
It is the value of the ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to the vapor pressure at the equilibrium stage of water at a particular temperature , is called the relative humidity .
The value of relative humidity depends on the pressure and temperature of the system .
It helps to determine the amount of wet air in comparison to the the amount of water the air can hold to .
A tectonic plate is composed of both continental and oceanic lithosphere. It is a large, irregular slab of solid rock. However, plate size can vary.
Green house effect & Warming that results when the atmosphere traps radiating from earth towards space <span />