1. What did the protest at Alcatraz Island in the late 1960s accomplish It led to the building
D. It brought awareness to the unfair treatment of American Indians.
2.Promoting gender equality in employment is one of the goals of
D. the National Organization for Women.
3. One of the leaders of the American Indian Movement was
C.Russell Means.
4. What did Title IX provide funding for? Check all that apply.
women’s education programs
5.What did AIM hope Alcatraz Island would become?
C.a government-supported community center
1. What did the protest at Alcatraz Island in the late 1960s accomplish It led to the building
D. It brought awareness to the unfair treatment of American Indians, as the occupants used an article of the Trreaty of Fort Laramie, that said that abandoned federal property could be reclaimed by Native Americans. The occupation united the Native American movements, and showed the appalling conditions of their communities.
2.Promoting gender equality in employment is one of the goals of
D. the National Organization for Women., due to its ideological framework, that is liberal feminism.
3. One of the leaders of the American Indian Movement was
C.Russell Means. He joined the AIM in 1968 and was responsible for work with Latin American indigenous movements, and in the United Nations. His standing as an actor helped to visualize the actions of the AIM.
4. What did Title IX provide funding for? Check all that apply.
Title IX, as a mean to guarantee the equality of opportunities to women, funds women’s education programs throughout the US.
5.What did AIM hope Alcatraz Island would become?
C.The occupaton of Alcatraz was pushed due to the burning of the Indian community center in San Francisco, and the hope of the occupants was to create a new government-supported community center.