The Quotation Mark Should be Before "s".
sam-"hey jess my phone is missing and the last place i remember putting it is in my school bag have you seen it?"
jess"no sam i havent seen it but i do know someone who may have it"
jess"i saw a girl take it from your bag i dont remember what she looks like"
sam"can i just use your phone to call mine?"
jess"i mean my phone is dead"
sam-"but your using it"
jess-"oh right ok you may use it but just wait one moment"
sam"let me just use it right now class is starting soon"
jess "actually lets go to class then ill let you use it"
sam-"forget it ill just go to the office"
jess"what no!"
sam-"jess you have been supper weird ever since i told you my phone is missing do you have it?"
jess-"what no!"
sam-"ok ill just go report you to the office"
jess"no wait! i have it"
sam"what why????"
((I'll help you out as best as I can, anywhooo...
The Chicken and his Sneakers
Once upon a time, there was a chicken named Roy, he had the coolest sneakers to exist well at least to him. Roy, who is 9 years old, thinks his sneakers give him powers. He says the blue color on the shoes give him 'super speed', the orange gives him 'super jump'. Roy has a friend named Jasper, Jasper is in disbelief of the sneakers because Roy won't let him try them on and take them for a ride. Roy had these sneakers for 2 years and they're still in factory new condition, no one knows what he does with them but they're quite clean. One day, Roy is in his living room watching chicken patrol, minding his own business, when he gets a call on his home phone from his mother, Amanda. Roy picks up the phone as fast as he can “What are you doing?” says, Amanda. Roy instantly replies with “T.V and only T.V.” . Amanda then says “Get your but outside now or else your grounded.”. Roy, In a poor voice, says “OK MOM." Roy scurries off to go find his kicks he looks and looks but can't seem to find them, they were not in the same place as he left them. Roy then heard laughing outside and he saw his friend Jasper and his sister, Casity. Running about on the streets Roy rushes outside yelling “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SNEAKERS?!” Jasper replies in a shaken voice saying, “You would not let me try them so I snuck in when you were sleeping and took them before you woke up.” “WHAT?!” yelled Roy “SLEEPING?!” Jasper's sister had left already running back inside. Jasper looked around and took off running, the shoes started flaring up like a rocket and took off going 50 miles per hour. While he was running in his neighborhood he realized that he lives in a culdesac and there were only two options for Jasper, it was either run at Roy or try and jump the fence. Jasper thinking as hard, 'as he can see smoke coming out of his head'. “He's running so freaking fast.” said Roy, they were about 50 yards way, inching closer and closer until the moment Jasper is now 5 yards away and he needs to jump with all his might, he puts all of his thrust into it and jumps a poor 2 feet off the ground and Roy looked up and all he saw was Jasper's face smack against the wood fence, the sound from the conflict between both him and the fence, collided, echoed on, teeth flying everywhere.
Well smart is were you learn and become more educated and knowledgeable but dumb is were you act stupid and dont follow laws and direction