Generally, a seismograph consists of a mass attached to a fixed base. During an earthquake, the base moves and the mass does not. The motion of the base with respect to the mass is commonly transformed into an electrical voltage. The electrical voltage is recorded on paper, magnetic tape, or another recording medium.
The tricuspid valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the right atrium while the ventricle contracts. So, your answer will be the Tricuslid Valve. Hope I helped!
atlanta i think
In this case the reference point is Atlanta, this is where the family started their motion from. Such that this point may be used to describe their movement. It is sued to describe their movement to Baltimore.
El almacenamiento a largo plazo puede ser similar al aprendizaje: el proceso mediante el cual la información que puede ser necesaria nuevamente se almacena para su recuperación bajo demanda. El proceso de localizar esta información y traerla de vuelta a la memoria de trabajo se denomina recuperación.
ojala te sirva es lo unico que se :D