One by one, Enkai sent the cattle walking down branches of the fig tree, all the way down to the roots at the ground.
I just had this on my test and I got it right
3rd person
it is 3rd person narration
B) Women do not know their own strengths because men keep them down.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman's poem "She Walked Veiled And Sleeping" is a short poem of 9 lines but which have themes of women suppression by the 'superior' gender. she deals with the theme of how women are made to <em>"work"</em> without knowing her own power.
According to Gilman, women <em>"knoweth not her power"</em>, <em>"Slow advancing, limping, creeping"</em>. She continues working even though <em>"veiled and sleeping"</em> which is suggestive of her being blinded by the power of the men over her own views or opinions. Through this short yet insightful poem, the poet shares the viewpoint that women have no idea of their own strengths as they are kept down and powerless by the men in their lives.
Mike Kubic believed that during the progressive era, American Progress moved forward positively and that the quality of life improved for Americans and their generation to come.
Mike Kubic in his article titled, 'The Progressive Era', explained that the period helped to reduce the excesses of business magnates who had the economy under their dominion and who controlled the resources of the nation. He explained that the period significantly reduced the monopolization of industries by the rich producers.
While he recognized that not all the efforts to better things at that period were successful, he acknowledged that the period helped to move the American society forward by shaping the American society into a better one with amazing results.
J has found peace with the decision he has made