Digital Millennium Act
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is a United States copyright law that implements two treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization . The aim of this ACT is to protect the rights of both copyright owners and consumers. The law complies with the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright. The law has two basic functions. First, it protects copyright owners by providing them with a mechanism to enforce their rights without having to directly sue the infringer
All are True
a. A constructor must have the same name as that of a class. For example
public class MyFirstClass{ // this is the class name
public MyFirstClass() } // the constructor having the same name as class.
b. Constructors never have a return type not even void because it is only used to initialize the values of data members of the class when the object of the class is created so constructors are not directly called hence they do not need to have a return type.
c. Constructors are invoked using the new operator.
When the new object is created the constructor is invoked in order to initialize the variables of a class. The memory is allocated to the object and then the constructive is invoked for the purpose to initialize the object.
Basically a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) estimates and determines the effects of a business activity and process disturbances. These disruptions can be natural or electronic disasters. It also collects information which is used to establish recovery plan. It identifies the business vulnerabilities and works on the strategies in order to reduce such potential hazards. The BIA involves both manual and automated processes. BIA involves automated processes which include the automated software tools that enables the protection of the confidential information of the users and also generates automated reports about the critical business processes.
Following are the code in the C Programming Language.
if(a==0) //set if conditional statement
//print the following message
printf("no solution for a=0");
Here, we define a function and pass three double data type variable i.e., "a", "b", "c" and then we write the following code inside the function.
- Set the if conditional statement and check that condition is the variable "a" is equal to 0.
- Then print message through the "printf()" which display on the screen if the given condition is true.