The artist who drew the political cartoon of the Brooks-Sumner Affair, supported Sumner in his fight for anti-slavery. The incident between Brooks and Sumner happened during a two day-speech delivered by the latter against slavery. It was in 1856 that a senator from South Carolina named Preston Brooks attacked Massachussetts congressman known as Charles Sumner. The attacked was provoked by the anti-slavery speech delivered by the Congressman that angered Brooks. Brooks' cane in the incident has been broken while Sumner suffered serious illness due to the beating.
In 1775 when the American Revolution began, the British and Americans had one of the most important battles at Fort Ticonderoga. Here the British Military base was attacked, and the capture of the fort became the first American victory. It boosted the morale of the Continental Army and would be a significant factor in the outcome of the revolution.
The colonists hoped that Fort Ticonderoga could stop the British Army from proceeding to the South.
The Fort had critical importance ranging from Ammanents that Americans had short of supply and had a collection of massive artillery (howitzers, cannons, and mortars).
The Forts location at the shores of Lake Champlain was also a strategic route to the British controlled provinces in the North and route along the thirteen colonies.
He served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War, for which he received recognition for his outstanding command of military strategy
Probably not.
Great Britain had the perfect blend of resources needed for rapid industrialization and a population that had transferable skills.
In particular, Great Britain had an abundance of coal.