"However it was, this they all agree in, that my mother pleaded her belly, and being found quick with child, she was respited fo
r about seven months; in which time having brought me into the world, and being about again, she was called down, as they term it, to her former judgment, but obtained the favour of being transported to the plantations, and left me about half a year old; and in bad hands, you may be sure." Based on the context of this sentence, what does the phrase pleaded her belly mean?
A) used her pregnancy as a defense
B) announced that she was very hungry
C) claimed that she truly wasn't pregnant
D) admitted that she needed to lose more weight
The paragraph says, "being found quick with child, she was respited for about seven months" so apparently she was on trial for something, and was found to be pregnant. She was given seven months, and after giving birth she was put back on trial.
Daniel Defoe's "Moll Flanders" tells the story of the protagonist Moll Flanders who was born to a criminal mother. But she grew into a beautiful woman and taking advantage of her situation, she also became notorious for her crimes.
The given passage is from when Moll begins her narration about how she was born. Her <em>"mother was convicted of felony for a certain petty theft scarce worth naming, viz. having an opportunity of borrowing three pieces of fine holland of a certain draper in Cheapside</em>". She used her pregnancy as an excuse to be exempted from being put in captivity, thus, giving her daughter the benefit of being born out of prison. The phrase <em>"pleaded her belly</em>" means she used her pregnancy as an excuse/ defense from being convicted or put to punishment.
Anne changed in many ways over the two years she was writing her diary. Some of these changes can be described as “growth.” She became an astute observer of politics, and of human nature, and she became a very practiced and well-educated writer.
“Mother-croon of bird” is the gentle humming voice of a mother-bird to its baby. The song is not sung in a hushed voice, but it is heard in the hushed moments of twilight, as then the noises in the surroundings gets reduced.