Answer:Which of the following might be improvised? a) a skit b) a song ... Choose the word with the connotation that best fits the sentence. I knew from her ... complex. Choose the definition that matches the word used in the sentence below. burden
A. The United States should remain as politically neutral as possible.
past tense: deemphasized; past participle: deemphasized
reduce the importance or prominence given to (something).
"the reform de-emphasized central planning and placed more power in the association of socialized industries"
Answer: indirectly, through his lack of action.
Jim does nothing in this excerpt apart from look at Della who then tried to interpret this look by diagnosing it for the presence of emotions that she had prepared for but instead found none.
We are therefore introduced to Jim's character indirectly through Della's eyes as she analyses his lack of action.
Distance makes the heart fonder is an <em>idiomatic</em><em> </em><em>expression</em>
<em>but</em><em> </em>Absence makes the heart fonder is an <em>adage</em><em> </em><em> </em><em>(</em><em> </em><em>proverb</em><em> </em><em>)</em>