Participial phrase = PP Infinitive Phrase = IP
A PP is a group of words introduced by a present participle (<em>ing form</em> as in <em>feeling tired</em><em>, they went home</em>) or past participle (<em>-ed form</em> in regular verbs or other forms in irregular verbs as in <em>the police have questioned anyone </em><em>found lurking near the house</em>. )
An IP is any group of words introduced by infinitival to as in<em> I want </em><em>to dance.</em>
All relevant parts are found between brackets [ ] and the kind of phrase, PP or IP, will be placed at the end of the sentence.
Julia withdrew money from each paycheck [to renovate her old and dingy bathroom.] IP
[Humming to himself], he appeared in good spirits as he walked to the office. PP
Audience members, [bored by the dull guest speaker], quickly lost their interest in the presentation. PP
[To become an expert archer], Natasha dedicated long days to repetitive target drills. IP
The movie featured an unknown actress [described as a rising star]. PP
[To gain admittance to Yale University] was Nicholas's top priority. IP
Tonight's gala event is an effort [to help raise money for natural-disaster relief.] IP
You seem to be looking for some information/explanation. I'll provide that.
The 1802 Health and Morals of Apprentices Act was the earliest reform act passed by the British government during the Industrial Revolution. The Act set rules regarding the employment and housing of children by factory owners.
Background and detail:
It had been the practice of many factory owners to employ orphans and children from very poor families in their factories, calling them "apprentices." They did not pay the children in wages. They could get by providing only lodging and food for them. The conditions in factories for the children were harsh and awful. Many children got sick and died.
Meanwhile, Robert Owen was pioneering new ideas for working together at the New Lanark, Scotland, cotton mill that he managed. Owen's was one of the pioneers of socialist theory. He strongly favored better working conditions, and influenced Prime Minister Robert Peel to put the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act through Parliament in 1802. The Act put into law the following rules for factories and child labor:
- A maximum 12 hour working day for children
- Mills were required to have sufficient windows for a flow of fresh air
- Regular washing of walls and floors
- Separate bedrooms for boys and girls
- No more than two children per bed
- Children needed to be given instruction in reading, writing and arithmetic
- On Sundays, children were to have at least an hour of Christian teaching provided by a Church of England minister
Boone is most famous for his exploration and settlement of what is now Kentucky, which was then part of Virginia but on the other side of the mountains from the settled areas.
The Salt March, which took place from March to April 1930 in India, was an act of civil disobedience led by Mohandas Gandhi to protest British rule in India. During the march, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from his religious retreat near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea coast, a distance of some 240 miles. The march resulted in the arrest of nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself. India finally was granted its independence in 1947.
Hope this helps,if not sorry
Adolf Hitler, llamado también Adolfo Hitler en algunos países hispanos (Braunau am Inn, Linz, Alta Austria, Imperio austrohúngaro; 20 de abril de 1889 - Berlín; 30 de abril de 1945), fue un político, militar y dictador alemán de origen austríaco
El Imperio romano (latín: Imperium Romanum) fue el tercer periodo de civilización romana en la Antigüedad clásica, posterior a la República romana y caracterizado por una forma de gobierno autocrática. El nacimiento del Imperio viene precedido por la expansión de su capital, Roma, que extendió su control en torno al mar Mediterráneo. Bajo la etapa imperial los dominios de Roma siguieron aumentando hasta llegar a su máxima extensión durante el reinado de Trajano, momento en que abarcaba desde el océano Atlántico al oeste hasta las orillas del mar Caspio, el mar Rojo y el golfo Pérsico al este, y desde el desierto del Sahara al sur hasta las tierras boscosas a orillas de los ríos Rin y Danubio y la frontera con Caledonia al norte. Su superficie máxima estimada sería de unos 5 millones de km².
Era abril de 1917 y Washington le había declarado la guerra a Alemania, en lo que fue su implicación formal en la Primera Guerra Mundial.
- En fotos: la Primera Guerra Mundial también se combatió con afiches
- Como una estrategia para atraer la atención de futuros soldados, el ilustrador James Montgomery Flagg tuvo la tarea de crear un afiche que fuese lo suficientemente efectivo en su mensaje.
Así fue como dibujó a un hombre canoso, con una larga chiva y el ceño fruncido que apuntaba con el dedo.