Self-check on Negative Sentences Take the affirmative French sentence and turn it into a negative sentence using the corespondin
g word choices. Type your answer in the input text box. When you are finished, select "Answer" to self check your work. Need an accent mark? Copy and paste one of these: Ààá Ââ Ää Çç Éé Èè Êê Ëë Îî Ïï Ôô Œœ Ùùú Ûû Üü. Affirmative French Sentence: Sois polie avec le prof! Word Choices: sois ne, n', pas, polie, avec, la prof, ! Answer Affirmative French Sentence: Tu es au cinéma. Word choices: tu, ne, n', es, pas, au, cinéma
je dois m'étirer avant de faire de l'exercice. The rule is = When a verb follows another one which is conjugated in a simple tense it has to be infinitive tense........
M'étirer m'étire = je m'étire tu t'étires il/elle/on s'étire nous nous étirons vous vous étirez ils/elles s'étirent