Answer: They are all documents written by framers that concern the American people.
Wilson also created the War Industries Board, run by Bernard Baruch, to ensure adequate military supplies. The War Industries Board had the power to direct shipments of raw materials, as well as to control government contracts with private producers.
They wanted to create laws that didn't directly interfere with the laws that had been put forth by the government. Therefore they created laws that required 'humanly' things of people that the blacks wouldn't have had the chance to do. As an example, if you were to apply for a job your grandfather had to have also been employed. For more whites, this wasn't an issue. But for blacks, their grandparents may not have been in America, and if they were, they were most likely slaves.
Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States because at that time in the early 1800s, France was in a bitter war with surrounding European nations and suffered large amounts of debt from Napoleon's tyrannous rule. He didn't have enough troops to secure France during these wars while at the same time shipping more troops to America to govern Louisiana. Also with Spanish territories to the American west and the U.S. to the east it was difficult for Napoleon to enter into Louisiana due to America taking over the Mississippi River. As a result, he had no choice but to annex the Louisiana Territory to Thomas Jefferson for a cheap amount of 15 million dollars ~ roughly 10 ¢ per acre.