A signal to reabsorb more water and salt. Have a good day =D
Possible anticodon sequences include: GCA, GCC, or GCU.
Nucleic acids are comprised of smaller units called nucleotides and function as storage for the body’s genetic information. These monomers include ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They differ from other biological macromolecules since they don’t provide the body with energy. They exist solely to encode and protein synthesis.
- Basic makeup: C, H, O, P; they contain phosphate group 5 carbon sugar does nitrogen bases which may contain single to double bond ring.
DNA encodes an organism's genetic information; this undergoes transcription, where RNA is formed. Codons are three nucleotide bases encoding coding and amino acid or signal at the beginning or end of protein synthesis.
RNA codons determine specific amino acid, so the order in which the bases occur within in the codon sequence designates which amino acid is to be made in translation; the four RNA nucleotides (Adenine, Cysteine and Uracil). Up to 64 codons (with 3 as stop codons) determine amino acid synthesis. The stop codons ( UAG UGA UAA) terminate amino acid/ protein synthesis while the start codon AUG Begins protein synthesis.In wobble pairing, the same tRNA can recognise different codons of its amino acid. Thus for the third positions on codons, alanyl-tRNA (inosine-guanine-cytosine) can recognise GCA, GCC, or GCU.
Learn more about transcription at brainly.com/question/11339456
Learn more about DNA and RNA brainly.com/question/2416343?source=aid8411316
It takes place in cytoplasm
By the use of uncontaminated water
Blood flukes are flatworms that are parasitic in nature. These are also called schistosomes.
If we consider the mode of transmission of the parasites to humans, we find that their transmission occurs in the following conditions -
- These parasites enter the human body when a person is swimming in contaminated water.
- They can also infect the human body if the person drinks contaminated water or eats food that have been washed with the contaminated water.
Thus it becomes clear that contaminated water is the main source of infection of blood flukes so using uncontaminated water and avoiding to be in contact with contaminated water will reduce the incidence of blood flukes in human population.
Because through fertilization, we have the union of half of the paternal and maternal patrimony. In asexual reproduction, on the other hand, the child organisms will be the same as the organism that generated them