Q. When evaluating mining results, does data mining and evaluating become an intuitive process?
“Data mining” is technically associated with analysis of very large data sets, to appreciate patterns,and attempt to look at cause to effect relationships. Most of the data is quantitative in nature, and many of the tools relate to that of analysis of numerical /quantitative data.
One of the rules of the game of quantitative analysis, is to allow the “data to do the talking”, Your intuition CANNOT replace the results of quantitative analysis: whether through data mining or humble pencil and paper calculation on the back of an envelope.
With experience you may perhaps see a lot of “counter intuitive results”, Where the final outcome does not make “common sense” - but that is what the data is saying.
It is useful NOT to allow emotions, opinions, to come in the way of any sort of quantitative data analysis.
If you can specify what sort of data you are analyzing a more precise answer can be attempted.
Use the web for educational purposes.
Use the web for instructional reasons.
Use the web only when something you find interesting does not make sense to you.
Don’t use the web on a day to day basis.
All of the above
The report is a piece of critical information in the company's file system that should be saved and secure from adversaries. All the options should be implemented to prevent and manage data leakage.
The TCP/IP is the transmission control protocol and internet protocol and in the TCP/IP model the transport layer is the second layer.
The primary responsibility of this layer is that it is basically used to deliver messages to the host and that is why it is known as end to end layer.
It basically provide the point to point connection between the destination to server host for delivering the various types of the services efficiently and reliably.
In the TCP/IP model the transport layer are basically responsible for transferring the data or service error free between the server to destination host.