<span>"I was the very first Roman Emperor, ruling with absolute power until I was assassinated at the Roman Senate." = JULIUS CAESAR (although technically he was Dictator of the Roman Republic rather than taking the title "emperor").
"I was a Roman Emperor who was rumored to have started the Great Fire of Rome but instead I used it as an excuse to persecute Christians." = NERO
"According to legend, my brother and I built the city of Rome until we fought over its name so I killed him." = ROMULUS
"My great uncle was Julius Caesar so I hunted those responsible for his murder, was the first emperor to take the title 'Caesar,' and am credited with bringing about the Pax Romana." = CAESAR AUGUSTUS
"I was a Roman Emperor who 'defeated' the god of the sea Neptune, collecting seashells as my prize, and threatened to make my horse a Consul of Rome." = CALIGULA
"I was a Roman Emperor who persecuted Christians and decided that the best solution to Rome's problems was to divide it into An Eastern Empire and a Western Empire." = DIOCLETIAN</span>
Ariel as his name suggests is a spirit, ethereal, while Caliban is gross and bestial. Both are connected to the witch Sycorax who ruled the island before Prospero: Ariel was imprisoned by her, before being rescued by Prospero, while Caliban is her offspring. Both are servants of Prospero.
The United States and the Opening to Japan<span>, 1853. On July 8, 1853, American Commodore Matthew Perry led his four ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to re-establish for the first time in over 200 years regular </span>trade<span> and discourse between </span>Japan<span> and the western world.
-hope this helps:)
1. The Mughal dynasty rules most of India
2. The British East India Company replaces the Mughal dynasty
3. The Sepoy Rebellion leads to war
4. British India is ruled directly from Great Britain
5. Queen Victoria is declared empress of India
Th<span>e Hungarian refugee emergency was resolved by means of resettlement.</span>