part b because it is talking about it
Huck and Jim initially start out on two different levels of the totem pole: with Huck, a young, white male being on the top; and Jim, an escape slave, being on the bottom. Huck understands this and thus treats Jim poorly (such as when he plays tricks on Jim or looks down upon him), but after their time spent together as runaways, Huck begins to understand and respect Jim— and even care for him.
COUNTER ARGUMENT: People are quite able of identifying the difference between a young child and an adult, so a uniform doesn't make a difference. They are also very boring.
RESPONSE: Some people are more developed in there younger years so appear more mature and older than they are. Yes uniform can be boring however it's there to keep you safe and not for your enjoyment.
The answer is blends facts with fiction because historical fiction uses real information about a historical time period, but the story that the book is telling didn't actually happen.