7- <em>Il fait semblant de dormir.</em>
<em> </em>He is pretending to sleep.
8- <em>Fais attention à ne pas te faire mal !</em>
<em> </em>Be careful not to hurt yourself !
9- Les enfants n'avaient rien à faire et ont fait des bêtises.
The children had nothing to do and got into trouble.
<em />
<em>C'est la présentatrice de mon émission préférée.</em>
<em>J'aimerai bien </em>"lui" <em>parler.</em>
Les photos que tu as Ⓓ <u>vues</u> sont les miennes.
- [voir qch] – <em>Le participe passé s'accorde si un objet direct est placé avant le verbe</em>
<em>Have a nice day</em> ㋡
1. The museum is closing. Problem at the end: They won’t be able to go to the museum.
2. The Mona Lisa has been stolen. Problem at the end: They have to find the Mona Lisa, but it is hard.
3. The strange man is chasing them. Problem at the end: The strange man harms or does something bad to he/she or them.
4. They get separated from each other. Problem at the end: They are not couples anymore or they can’t find each other.