C. Dr. Ferguson calms the distresses of Kennedy and Joe, and they are able to enjoy the journey under the doctor's adept navigational skills and travel wisdom.
The characters in the passage <em>Five Weeks in a Balloon </em>are three men who travel across Africa with the aid of a hydrogen-powered balloon. Their discussion during the trip was quite lively. Dr. Ferguson controlled the aircraft. When Kennedy also suffered a fever, the doctor reassured him that he would be fine in some time and he did recover from his fever in a short while.
Joe was in an exciting spirit as they traveled and Dr. Ferguson because of his travel wisdom told Kennedy that they could not touch the breakers. He made his statements as a person with insight.
inverted triangle
regular triangle
it would be rectangle.</span>
Teachers assigning homework
I do school all day long
Then come home to do more work
Doesn't that sound wrong?
Or a little berserk?
Why all the homework?
You give me homework, even on my day off.
Nouns, adjectives, and even essays
No matter how much I laugh or scoff.
Or scream or pray.
Can't we just take a break?
To breath, relax or play?
Eat, sleep or bake a cake.
To all teachers- quit assigning homework today!
In their House of Sound, Fran Scott and Greg Foot investigate how drums work.
Drums have been around for thousands of years and throughout history have often been involved in warfare -something they are reminded of as they play along to Mars from Holst’s The Planets suite.
Using confetti placed on a drum they use a slow motion camera to reveal how the confetti behaves like air molecules when the drum is struck.
The skin of the drum vibrates and makes the confetti dance.
As the air molecules vibrate against each other, sound waves are formed and the sound of the drums can be heard.
Fran explains that the pitch of a drum depends on how tight its skin is. If the skin is tight the drum makes a high note, if it is slack it makes a low note.
Greg points out the amount of air inside a drum also influences its pitch. The more air in a drum, the lower the note. The less air in a drum, the higher the note.
Volume depends on the size of the vibrations that are made.
Hit a drum hard and this makes big vibrations and a loud sound.
Hit a drum softly and the vibrations are smaller and the sound not as loud.
Together they make a drum kit out of things that can be found around the house, and Fran shows us how to make fun drums out of a plastic bowl and half a balloon.
This clip is from the series House of Sound.