Tbh ion kno Buh I need answers for my test so I am going to write anything
5- la habitación está desordenada porque no tengo tiempo de organizar los libros y papeles
6. Son las once de la noche, no puedo ir a la biblioteca ahora porque está cerrada
The back garden of this semi detached house in Dallas had a very simple, somewhat uninspiring layout when Mike was asked to redesign it. It consisted of a small patio and a rectangular strip of lawn, with flower beds running along each side. “The owners wanted a variety of shapes and textures that would change all year round. Mike scrapped the rectangular lawn and replaced it with a design based on two ovals. This introduces movement to the landscape and makes it look wider. For the plantings, Mike chose a mix that would bring year-round interest and. at the back of the garden, handle the shade produced by a Shumard Oak.
The lawn area is a design of two ovals, set slightly on the diagonal. “Clients often ask for waviness in their garden design,” Mike says. “They often want wavy flower beds, but that can make your lawn look odd. So we designed the lawn based on ovals, then just made the beds around that as wide as we could. When Mike was asked to redesign the garden, the owners had lived here for a while and been happy with simply having a big lawn for their children to play on. As the children began to grow up and move out, however, the owners decided to rethink the garden.
Moraleja: toma la oportunidad cuando puedas, no sabes si se te volverá a presentar.
Todos los animales la dejan pasar, pero no deberian haber confiado que volveria. Porque iba a querer que la comieran? También los animales tuvieron poco sentido común. Si tienes una oportunidad, no la dejes pasar.