everything is shared amongst a group of individuals, making it impossible for one individual superior to another.
The relationship with the Soviet Union changed because of rivalries over ideology and borders.
Relationship with the United States improved because the U.S. saw China as a useful partner in its conflict with the Soviet Union.
<h3>Hope it helps!</h3>
By threatening a veto, the President can persuade legislators to alter the content of the bill to be more acceptable to the President. Congress can override a veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate. (Usually an act is passed with a simple majority.)
Maya also farmed field raised up from the bajos, or low, swampy areas . They created these fertile farm areas by digging
The Maya created arable land by using a "slash-and-burn" technique to clear the forests. They planted maize and secondary crops such as beans, squash, and tobacco. In the highlands to the west, they terraced the slopes on mountainsides; in the lowlands, they cleared the jungle for planting.