The correct answer is D. They explained how the constitution provided checks and balances on the president’s powers.
During the Constitutional Convention, members of this committee who were Anti-federalists feared a extremely strong federal (central) government. These fears were rooted in America's experience as colonists under the control of Great Britiain and King George III.
To ease the fears of these Anti-federalists, the federalists discussed how the new constitution set up a balance of power between the different branches of the federal government. The judicial and legislative branch were both able to check the executive branches power. The judicial branch has the power to rule executive orders made by the president as unconstitutional while the legislative branch could override a presidential veto if needed.
The South American country where citizens are fleeing for a better life is Venezuela, beaten by power cuts, hyperinflation (1,000,000% predicted inflation by the end of the year! ) , food shortages; all these elements, added to a dictatorial attitude and resulting lack of civil guarantees and liberties, makes that millions are fleeing from the country.
For sitting in the "wrong" part of the bus.
They were supposed to sit in the back of the bus, leaving the front available for whites. She decided to challenge it because of this.
Catalans and Provençals also profited, and, indirectly, so did all of Europe. Moreover, returning Crusaders brought new tastes and increased the demand for spices, Oriental textiles, and other exotic fare. But such demands can also be attributed to changing lifestyles and commercial growth in Europe itself.
After being held up in the courts for more than a year, President Barack Obama’s signature immigration executive actions that proposed expanding his deferred action policies to allow individuals residing in the country illegally the opportunity to avoid deportation and obtain work permits and driver’s licenses were blocked from being implemented in a 4-4 ruling delivered by the United States Supreme Court on June 23, 2016.[1]
Without a ninth justice, due to the vacancy left on the court by former Justice Antonin Scalia's unexpected death, the Supreme Court was unable to rule on the case. The 4-4 split decision upheld the lower court's ruling, which blocked the new and expanded immigration policies from going into effect. President Obama blamed the court's inability to issue a ruling on Republican senators who have declined to hold a confirmation hearing on his Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland.[2]