Factura del béisbol por que el número que tenia no estaba bien
Felipe y Cristina revisan los botes/botellas
Tres países latinoamericanos con menos hispanohablantes que Los Estados Unidos son Guatemala, El Salvador, y Panamá. Tres lugares en Los Estados Unidos con nombres españoles son San Francisco, San Diego, y San Jose.
Ask your friend what their daily routine is and write yours as well, and starting from the beginning compare them. Say you compare yours to mine, I wake up at around 7, I change, then make coffee, eat something and get my school stuff together. Usually, I start school at about 7:30 or sometimes I procrastinate and start at like 8:30. I work till about 12 or 1, then eat lunch while I work. When I'm done I get back to work till 3 or 4. After that, I work on one of my hobbies (dance, music, journaling, etc.). I go to bed (not sleep) at 10 or 11 but don't fall asleep till like 3-5 am the next day.