Alliteration is a literary technique which involves the repetition of the same consonant in neighboring words. As you can see in the line above, the consonant <em>f </em>is repeated in words <em>fain, fell, </em>and <em>faring, </em>thus creating alliteration.
Caesura is a pause within a line of poetry.
Enjambment happens when the poet's thought doesn't end with one line but rather extends into the next one.
Synecdoche means that a part represents the whole and vice versa like when you use the singular word <em>head </em>to refer to a number of cattle.
D because at the end of the story the result of the relationship broke because of the untruthfulness
The Importance Of Reading. Reading is an exercise for the mind. It helps kids calm down and relax, opening doors of new knowledge to enlighten their minds. Kids who read grow up to have better cognitive skills.
The correct answer is reflexive.
There are actually two pronouns in the sentence (you didn't italicize either one, unfortunately): <em>I </em>and <em>myself. I </em>is a personal pronoun, like <em>you, he/she/it, we, you, </em>and <em>they. </em>
On the other hand, the pronoun <em>myself </em>is <em>reflexive. </em>This means that the object of the sentence is the same as the subject. In the sentence above, the subject <em>I </em>is performing the action <em>respect </em>on the object <em>myself </em>who is the same person as the object.
<em>Relative pronouns </em>connect sentences: <em>who, which, whom</em>, etc. <em>Interrogative pronouns </em>are used in questions: <em>which, who</em>, etc. (but not to connect clauses). <em>Demonstrative pronouns </em>point to something: <em>that, this, those,</em> etc. For <em>indefinite pronouns, </em>we don't know who or what we're talking about: <em>somebody, whoever, whichever, </em>etc. <em>Intensive pronouns </em>looks the same as reflexive, however, they are only used for emphasis and can be omitted from the sentence without it losing its meaning.