Answer:the value of b is i think 74
Supporters of bimetallism offer three arguments for it: (1) the combination of two metals can provide greater monetary reserves; (2) greater price stability will result from the larger monetary base; and (3) greater ease in the determination and stabilization of exchange rates among countries using gold, silver, or bimetallic standards will result.
Here is the answer of the given question above. Based on the given details, a student is writing an informative essay about the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA). FEMA's website differs from an outside source since this <span>website would be more likely to have accurate information than an outside source. Hope this answer helps.</span>
Mexico City fell to the United States Forces under the command of General Winfield Scott.
No I don't believe so they are. Here is a link to something that says more on it. I hope this helps!