b. To ensure that trade generated taxes for the Crown.
English financial approach was mercantilist in nature. The British Parliament established such instruments as protectionist exchange hindrances, legislative controls, and sponsorships to household ventures to augment British funds to the detriment of pioneer regions and other European royal forces.
Things that relate or denote to the stone age.
example- old stone sculptures
The stone age was when primitive stones were used for things about 2.5 million years.
Most African Americans did not want to return to Africa because they felt more connected to the United States. Efforts to colonize black abroad were often a response to the phasing out of slavery in the aftermath of the American Revolution. Some believed that it was not possible for free or formerly enslaved people to live in harmony with one another in the United States. Organizations such as the American Colonization Society, formed in 1817, attempted to carry out this mission.
Explanation: Colonization was an attempt to settle large numbers of African Americans in other parts of the world.
eastern (Sovjetunion) and western (Great Britain)