If your choices are the following:
So when y</span>ou are in phase 6 of metacognition you should be doing all the following except revisiting. This can be found in heading Phase 6: Reflective Practice—Assess, Reflect, Revisit, in <span>Intentional Learning for College Success</span>
Art forms give humans a higher satisfaction in emotional release than simply managing emotions on their own. Art allows people to have a cathartic release of pent-up emotions either by creating work or by witnessing and pseudo-experiencing what they see in front of them.
My personal choice would be pink and purple
La importancia de Don Quijote de la Mancha en la Literatura radica, entre otras cosas, en que satirizó un modelo de literatura que se empleaba desde hacía muchísimos años, las novelas de caballería, convirtiéndose además en la primera novela moderna y ejerciendo una influencia realmente importante en la narrativa.