Real Exchange Rate computed as German goods per U.S. goods: 2
Cost in the US: 0.50 dollar
Cost in Germany: 1 euro
Real Exchange Rate: German Goods / U.S. Goods
Real Exchange Rate: 1 / 0.50 = 2
The real exchange rate measures the price of foreign goods relative to the price of domestic goods.
Explores more or its the newest thing they have...
top 3 are possible and bottom 2 or not possible
Advantage in competition. ( competitive advantage)
Explanation: Whenever a hospital is more equipped or fully equipped with tools, machines, and any other factor that favors the saving of lives, that hospital will mostly have the upper hand in competition against it's rivals. It is safe to say a heart patient who is facing a life threatening situation would rather be taken to such a hospital for quick response to save their lives. A hospital less equipped with these kind of machines , especially those needed in critical moments like defibrillating someone who is experiencing cardiac arrest, will less likely be a first choice to treating patients of these nature. In critical moments like these a hospital better equipped will always be the first choice, disregarding other factors like cost. Now distance could be critical, but again, almost always if the distance is not too long then the better equipped gets the patients.
Answer:<u> Selling Price = $9803.92</u>
Treasury bill will provide 2% return in every 6 months.
Time = 6 months
Rate of return = 2% per 6 months
Selling Price of Treasury bill =
Selling Price = 
<u><em>Hence price we would expect a 6-month maturity Treasury bill to sell for is $9803.92</em></u>