Yes it's the process of entering data into a database.
a. PCI express
<em>PCI express</em> (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) is a high speed serial bus and commonly used motherboard interface for Graphics card, wifi, SSDs and HDs hardware connections. Simple PCI can also be used but PCI express has more error detection accuracy lesser number of I/O pins and better throughput as compared to simple PCI.
A hard drive
Since tablets and phones are compact, they are better off not having a big, giant, bulky storage device like hard drives. Modern computing made hard drives less important by developing Solid-State Drives (SSDs) and extremely dense (512 bit) storage that can provide the same if not more storage than a traditional hard drive at the fraction of the size.
no output, it does not print any thing
if-else statement is used to execute the statement after checking the condition if the condition is true, it allows the program to execute the statement otherwise not.
in the code, define the variable with values x = 9, y = 8 and z = 7.
Then, if the statement checks the condition 9 > 9, the condition is false.
So, the program terminates the if statement and executes the next statement but there is no next statement.
the other if-else statement is within the if condition which already terminates.
Therefore, there is no output.