1.The purpose of this argument is to inspire and move the American people by appealing to their sense of pride and responsibility. In doing so Kennedy hopes to move people into changing and fixing the problems that plague the American society like the racial inequality, which is illustrated with the example of the children, the economic problems like the one of production of energy and raw resources. Kennedy hopes that this will help the society and world as they will be able to oppose communism. By appealing to that sense of patriotism and giving Americans a righteous cause, Kennedy wants to accomplish the goal of making America alongside the rest of the world, a better place.
2.This is written from Kennedy's point of view and it represents, his ideas, his goals and his aspirations. He wants the audience to accept his views that the country needs to do better and that all of his actions are for the good of the American people and the world. He wants his audience to see that the problems like education system and economic responsibility and the greater involvement of the government are necessary for the good of all.
3. The intended audience for this argument is none other than the American people. This can be seen in the multiple instances during this argument. Right near the beginning he discusses domestic things and the things "we do here in the United States." Also near the end he talks about "this generation of Americans" and their date with destiny.
4. Kennedy's claim is that the United States is a great country, but as he says it could be "greater country" and that it is a powerful country but it can be "more powerful country". By this he means that the US has to be better and address the domestic issues that plague it.
5. The first evidence he provides relates to the economic growth of the country which is not really good. He also states that the US has a problem with the distribution of goods and poverty. He later continues talking about the problems the US has with the education system and the number of highly educated people it produces. He also talks about the problems with production and the racial inequality.
6.Yes, a counterclaim is presented and it deals with the mainly with the government influence. Kennedy states that many are concerned with the influence of the government and that it should not meddle as much. That is the main obstacle he has in realizing his goals. Kennedy weakens it by stating that he does not want a big and strong government by an efficient one that will allow all people to be able to sustain themselves. He also states that there are some problems that can only be overcome if the people band and work together and that is what the government will allow them to do.
7. Kennedy's argument is very convincing because shows his ideas, goals and views clearly and logically. He giver concrete evidence to support his claims and they are presented in the logical way. The counter-argument is refuted and weakened. He also manages to stir the hearts as well as the minds of the people. He effectively uses both pathos and logos as well as ethos.
huh? i dont get the question
Many people have Advance options that Is used for reasoning hope this helped
I will defeat you yelled the man too